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My name is LindseyLeeanna, or just LL for short.


I am a creator. I have to create. I have to make things. Be it paintings, graphics, or just writings, I always have to be creating. This artist that lives inside of me, we have this kind of relationship where we can fight some of the fiercest fights -even ghost each other for periods of time, and then we'll come together in perfect harmony and elation. We always get stuck together. My favorite is when we dance together. This music comes on and she just takes over - and I obey and let her do her thing.


I toggle between traditional painting/drawing and digital creations. I mainly work with Photoshop, Illustrator, & Indesign. The lossless scalability of vector art is wonderful, but working in Photoshop has captured much more of my attention because of it's similarities to painting in real life. The brush features are amazing and the possibilities are endless!


I'll spend a lot of time working digitally, then I'll find my way back to the tangible, messy paints. During one experience, I got ahold of some house paints and the top of a large wood desk. Unfortunately I have no pictures of the creation but I made what most people would describe as a Pollock. This was before I knew who or what a Pollock was. So then of course when I studied him, his works made perfect sense to me even though many people don't understand. "Oh, anybody can just splash a bunch of paint around." But what most people fail to realize is that sometimes the finished product is not what it's all about and can actually be irrelevant to the painter. It's all about the energy. The dance. The exertions, exhaustions, endorphins, and elations. The incessant need to create and the action of doing so. I make a lot of abstract and automatistic works. I also travel into realism and find myself painting a lot of portraits. People fascinate me. 


I've always had a thing for typography and layout. Even before I realized what I was doing. I had a subscription to a fashion magazine when I was younger, because, you know that's the gift every girl loves, right? Well...I just cut mine all to pieces to make collages and different things out of the type design I saw I liked.  I get really carried away with leadings and tracking. Oh, but when I get into kerning...that's when I really start to lose touch with reality. Leadings are the spaces between lines of text. Trackings are the spaces between every letter in a word, and kernings are the spaces between two letters. When flipping through these magazines I noticed these inconsistencies more than I noticed the actual fashion.  They would irritate and pester me, so when I grew up I taught myself how to fix these things and how to make my own. The flip side of font development is that it is hours, days, or even years of work that is simply tedious and very technical. My creativity feels neglected, so I toggle back over to illustrations and photography. 


I want to say that when I'm not sleeping or eating, I'm creating. But when I actually consider it, when I'm sleeping my subconscious is constantly reeling and conjuring up all kinds of chaos I transfer into my arts. Most of my meals these days are accompanied by research pertaining to whatever project has my focus.  


I'm just always creating. Producing.


When I'm not making artistic things, I'm writing. 

 "I change during the course of a day. I wake and I'm one person, and when I go to sleep I know for certain I'm somebody else." bobdylan.  To this, I can very much relate, and it shows all too well in my writings. I'll dig up some passage or note and actually have to question if it was something I wrote. When the words come out, that's just it. They are out.  Sometimes it feels awkward to share my writings because something I wrote two years or even three months ago maybe something completely different than the mentality I have today. 


I thought about a clever conclusion to put here, but really there is just no end. I never stop and I never quit.






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